About us
BYAI is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer board.
The primary purpose of BYAI is to promote good sportsmanship and provide a safe and fun atmosphere for youth learning the games of baseball and softball utilizing volunteer coaches and parents from the community.
BYAI supports both recreational and travel ball programs.
Recreational T-ball and Baseball
- T-ball – Boys and girls ages 5-6 learning baseball fundaments. Batting is modified for young children to get 3 pitches from a coach before utilizing a tee.
- Pinto/8U – Instructional league to teach eight and under players the fundamentals of baseball. Coaches pitch to their own players.
- Mustang/10U – Players ten and under are building on the fundamentals of baseball. This is the first division players pitch.
- Little League/11U to 13U – Players thirteen and under are taught basic fundamentals as well as advanced skills and strategy.
- Pony/14U to 16U – Players sixteen and under playing on a standard baseball field (dimensions: 60-foot pitching distance; 90-foot base paths).
*Age as of May1.
Recreational Softball
- 8U - Instructional league to teach eight and under players the fundamentals of softball. Coaches pitch to their own players.
- 10U - Players ten and under are building on the fundamentals of softball. This is the first division players pitch.
- 12U – Players twelve and under are taught basic fundamentals as well as advanced skills and strategy. This division uses the 12” softball which is a hard feel ball.
- 14U – Players fourteen and under are taught basic fundamentals as well as advanced skills and strategy. This division uses the 12” softball and the level of play is the game of fastpitch without any limiting rules.
*Age as of January 1.
Travel Baseball – Beasts
Bellepoint travel baseball teams participate in the Central Ohio Youth Baseball League (COYBL) and/or a competitive tournament schedule. More information about COYBL can be found on their website: https://www.coybl.org/
Follow us on Facebook for general updates and tryout information.
*Number and age divisions of travel teams depends on number of skilled players, available coaches, and field availability.
Travel Sofball – Beasts
Bellepoint travel softball teams participate in the Mannino's Grand Slam League and/or a competitive tournament schedule. More information about the Mannino's league can be found on their website: https://www.grandslaminfo.com/softball/
Follow us on Facebook for general updates and tryout information.
*Number and age divisions of travel teams depends on number of skilled players, available coaches, and field availability.
Board Members
Russ Baron
VP Baseball
John McCann
VP Softball
Joe Klobukowski
Zach Miller
Tammy Kanniard
Andrew Oberhammer
Jon Korman
Fields & Facilities
Chris White